alot has happened since the last time I blogged. But in a nutshell times have been pretty crappy. Not in that teary eyed, dark, depressed kind of crappy. Just really bad luck lately. A member of the Phelps family is extremely sick and is going to have to be put to sleep. Sadly we look back and
reminisce about all the wonderful memories we have had together. All the lazy afternoons and fun filled evenings.
Phillips 42" Plasma TV with ambilight, you will be missed!
Besides Presley, you were the thing that I had to come home to as lame as that may sound. The Xbox, the DVR, the blu-ray player. These are all things that make it a lil easier to relax, and get through the lonely nights without the Hubs.
Just depressing...I have Gears of War 2 and Lost Season 4 on Blu-Ray sitting there like bricks on the shelf. Completely useless without you.
Replacing you hasn't been easy but don't worry about us here, we know you are in TV Heaven looking down on us. We hope you approve on the new member of the family. Her Name is Sam!!